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Application & Commitment Some of Our Works

Application & Commitment Some of Our Works

Application & Commitment Some of Our Works

Domestic and Overseas Mechanical Installation Application & Contracting Some of Our Works

1. Vakıfbank EBIS Center Building - Ümraniye / İSTANBUL - 2012 (15.000 m²)

Completion of construction, testing and commissioning of the building's complete heating & cooling fan-coil installation, sprinkler fire extinguishing system and ventilation system, heat recovery system, industrial kitchen and dining hall installations consisting of 8 normal floors, floor and 3 basement kattan have been delivered.


2. Cardiology and Research Hospital - Ashgabat / TURKMENISTAN - 2013 (33.000 m²)
350-bed cardiology and research hospital complex central system heating & cooling (chiller, hygienic and normal air handling units), fan-coil installation, sprinkler and fire cabinet, fire extinguisher installation and ventilation installation, operating room laminar flow units and sterile water installation, industrial kitchen and dining hall the construction of the installations was completed, the automation system was installed, the necessary tests were carried out and the delivery was done.


3. İSKİ Ömerli Water Treatment Chlorination Facilities - Pendik / İSTANBUL - 2014 (1.000 m)
The Ø150-Ø200 steel pipes used in the Chlorination line of the drinking water treatment plants in Ömerli have been replaced with HDPE pipes of equivalent diameter. The renewed lines were tested and delivered to the circuit.


4. ABT At Farm & Housing Complex Project - Ashgabat / TURKMENISTAN - 2016 (80.000 m²)
A social center with a capacity of 600 horses, a horse hospital, a laboratory, a school of Seyis, a fire brigade, a swimming pool, a museum and an administrative building, 114 villas, 180 student nursery schools, 250 student secondary schools, health centers, complex project consisting of center; central system heating & cooling (heating boiler, chiller, air-conditioning plants), fan-coil installation, fire-fighting installation, ventilation installation, underground galleries, industrial kitchen and dining hall installations in hydrant line and buildings have been completed and automation system has been established. the transfer was carried out and the master was delivered.


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